Catechism Programs

Our parish offers two Catechism programs: Catechesis of the Good Shepherd for children ages 3-6, and Be My Disciple for children ages 7-11. Please click on the boxes below for more information on our programs.

Why Register your Child for Catechism?

Registering a child for catechism is important for a number of reasons:

  • Development of Catholic Values and Traditions: Catechism classes help children grow spiritually and develop an active faith by teaching them about God, Jesus Christ, the Sacraments, prayer, and the teachings of the Holy Catholic Church. Catholic teachings provide a strong foundation for adopting Catholic values through the development of reverence and Catholic faith.
  • Community & Fellowship: Catechism classes provides children an opportunity to interact with individuals who share their faith, fostering a sense of belonging to a Catholic community. There are several activities at Mont Carmel that allow Catechism children to give back to their community and act as Good Samaritans. 
  • Preparation for Sacraments: Catechism classes prepare children for receiving Sacraments such as First Holy Communion and Confirmation, which are significant milestones in a child's faith journey.
  • Family Involvement: Enrolling in the Catechism program encourages family participation in a child's religious education, as parents are often involved in supporting their child's learning and attending activities related to Catechism.

Overall, registering a child for catechism helps to ensure they receive a comprehensive religious education that fosters their spiritual growth and development within the Catholic faith.

Thank you for entrusting Mont Carmel with your child's faith journey. We look forward to nurturing their faith and fostering a deeper reverence for God!

Interested in Becoming a Catechist?

Teaching is a very rewarding gift, but being a Catechism teacher is an extra blessing!

Please contact our PCL team should you wish to share your faith and love for God with our Catechism children!

Our PCL Team

Pastoral Catechetical Leaders: Patricia D'Agostino, Claudia Di Salvatore, & Delia Garofalo


Feel free to email us at with any questions you may have!


Note: Please fill out the fields marked with an asterisk.