Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Program (CGS)

Our parish offers the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) to children aged 3 – 6 years old.


CGS is an introductory religious education program designed to nurture a child's relationship with God within a dedicated space known as the Atrium.

The Atrium - A Child-Friendly Space that Welcomes God

The Atrium is a space meticulously designed with handmade catechetical materials and presentations, all aimed at guiding children towards prayer and introducing them to Sacred Scripture and Liturgy.

Why is it called “atrium” anyway?

"The word “atrium” actually means “portico, or porch entrance to a large house.” The Atrium was a term given to this space by Maria Montessori. It was chosen because in the ancient church, the atrium was a gathering space between the Church Proper and the street. It was the place where the catechumens, those preparing for initiation to the Church, would receive instruction. The Atrium has a similar purpose for our children, as it is a place to help them enter into full, conscious, and active participation in the liturgical and communal life of the Church."

Catechists who have received training employ the Montessori Method to educate children.

Hands-On Approach

The hands-on approach is an excellent way to guide children through their faith journey prior to the Pre-Communion Level of the Be My Disciple Program.

Fostering Catholic Faith

Faith grows in a child's heart through prayer. Catechists adapt their approach to align with the developmental and spiritual needs of each child.

"Prepared Environment"

The prepared environment is a Montessori concept that the environment is designed to facilitate independent learning by the child.

Children gather in the Atrium every Saturday morning from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM, with the program running from October to April.