
Marriage Preparation Course Feedback Form

The seven sacraments are relevant to all important stages of Christian life and serve to give birth and increase the meaning of a faithful's mission and to enhance the healing of the faithful and give meaning to a life of Christianity

For more information on any of the sacraments please refer to the Catechism of the Catholic Church


Sacraments are as follows:



Sacrament of Reconciliation- See pastor 1/2 hour before mass

First Communion- See Catechism
Confirmation- See Catechism

Sacrament Of The Sick- Contact office staff
Holy Orders 

For more information on any of the sacraments please refer to the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

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Click Image

Link to Montreal Diocese:  

Sacraments and Catholic Life


I sette sacramenti sono rilevanti per tutte le fasi importanti della vita cristiana e servono a far nascere e ad accrescere il significato di missione di un fedele e servono anche per aumentare la guarigione dei fedeli e dare significato a una vita del cristianesimo.

Per ulteriori informazioni su uno qualsiasi dei Sacramenti consultare il catechismo della Chiesa cattolica.


Sacramenti sono come segue:



Sacramento della Reconciliazione

Prima Comunione



Unzione degli infermi

Ordini Sacri


Per ulteriori informazioni su uno qualsiasi dei Sacramenti consultare il catechismo della Chiesa cattolica.

Baptism Registration


7645 rue Du Mans, St-Léonard, Qc  H1S 2A1

Tél: (514)256-3632 / Fax: (514)251-9724



Dear parents,


Welcome and congratulations on your new child, a gift from God! We are very happy to celebrate this baptism with you and hope it will be a meaningful and memorable moment for your family and the community. Welcome!


Here are some reminders of what documentation we will need once you’ve chosen a date and come to register:


A copy of your child’s birth certificate

A copy of the baptism & confirmation certificates of the godparents

(if they don’t have a copy of it, the parish where they were baptized can issue a new one)


Parents and godparents need to attend a preparation encounter held once every two months at 7:30PM.


Therefore you need to register your child for baptism at least 2 months in advance.


We celebrate baptismal ceremonies on Saturdays and Sundays at 2:30PM.


Please call the office to inquire about the schedule and to register your child.


Don’t hesitate to call us for any further information!

God bless you always…


Baptism Registration Form (ENGLISH)
Baptism Registration FORM.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 102.8 KB
Criteria to be a Sponsor
Criteria to be a Sponsor.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 140.6 KB